The legend of Blond Zombie has been around in the history pages as far back as anyone can remember. Blond Zombie travels the world and the inter-webs in search of inspiration and knowledge. On his journeys has been spotted in many exotic locales with anyone from peasants to royalty.

Blond Zombie will pick a lucky person or unlucky depending on how you look at it, to write about his experiences and adventures. In exchange he will share his accumulated knowledge and wisdom he has gained over his many years.

Some venture a guess at his age, but to be honest I think he has always been here. Traveling, exploring, helping, whatever suits his fancy. And with his quiet demeanour and his relentless thirst for knowledge he will probably keep going for a whole lot longer.

He is dressed for any occasion with his bow tie, long sleeves and shorts and has witnessed everything from the first flight by the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk, the original performance of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, and the inauguration of President Obama and infinitely more. Yoda like in wisdom and a heart as big as Mother Theresa, Blond Zombie has inspired me to work harder not only for him but for you writing this blog and keeping you informed. Thanks for reading and I hope the Blond Zombie keeps you entertained.


  1. To help further the Blond Zombie’s cause, I have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award! Details here:


  2. I nominated you for the Liebster Award because I like your blog.

    These are the rules:

    *Thank the blogger who bestowed the award.
    *Pass it on to five other bloggers, who must have fewer than 200 followers.
    *Notify the nominees.
    *Display the award on your blog.

    Looking forward to more of your posts!


  3. And I also nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! (I see another blogger had the same idea!)

    Go here to see your nomination on my blog:

    The Rules of the award are:

    Nominate 15 fellow bloggers.
    Inform the bloggers of their nomination.
    Share 7 random things about yourself.
    Thank the blogger who nominated you.
    Add the Versatile Blog Award logo on your blog post.


  4. One more thing— I’ve been meaning to tell you that your blog is loading very slowly.

    I don’t know if anyone else has had this problem with your blog, but feel free to delete this comment. (I didn’t know where else to post it. Sorry!)



    I’ve nominated you for a SUNSHINE BLOGGER AWARD (which I think is TOTALLY APT in your case!)

    THE DEETS: Post the .jpg of the award in a post or somewhere on your blog; mention the person(s) who nominated you; answer the following questions; nominate up to 12 other bloggers and let them know they’ve been nominated!

    Favorite Color:
    Favorite Animal:
    Favorite Number:
    Favorite Non-Alcoholic Drink:
    Facebook or Twitter:
    My Passion:
    Getting or Giving Presents:
    Favorite Pattern:
    Favorite Day of the Week:
    Favorite Flower:


  6. Saul Garnell says:

    I really like your blog. One of the better ones out there in my opinion. Is there a way to send you a direct email? I’d like to know if you’d consider writing a review about my SF novel, Freedom Club. The reason I ask is because you show a great deal of interest on technology’s effect on society. I too love this topic and devoted my book’s philosophical foundation on the topic. Anyway, send me a note on twitter if you’re interested to follow up.


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