Zombie Blog

Find out what we have been up to, read some rants and leave some comments. It's here for the reading. Indulge.



January 26, 2021

I know, I know. You don’t need to read another blog about the Coronavirus. I swear to god if I hear another news story or article starting off with “What you need to know about COVID-19” or these brilliant insights into how to protect yourself from the virus. Nobody knows what the hell they are […]

Mid-Life Crisis

Mid-Life Crisis

June 13, 2019

Okay, have we done the mid-life crisis blog yet? No? Well then, here we go. So a while ago I turned 47. In this day and age with people living past a hundred, this should be right in the mid-life crisis wheelhouse, right? No divorce, no sports car, no big epic trek to find myself. […]

Phone Alone

Phone Alone

May 1, 2019

We all like our technology (i.e., phones, laptops, Netflix, etc.). But sometimes we get caught up, whether it’s FOMO, driving and texting, or just being absent in a room full of friends. I never noticed the problem…correction, I never let the problem bother me until recently. The other day my wife and daughter were on the […]

Second Time Around

Second Time Around

July 11, 2018

I have noticed as I’ve gotten older, that looking back and reflecting has become a hobby. I tend to tell the same stories over and over again, or I will reminisce with friends anytime we get together. Old stories have a way of comforting us, connecting us. It doesn’t help that I get Facebook reminders of memories of […]

Evolution for Kids Revisited

Evolution for Kids Revisited

April 11, 2018

Okay, this one is going to get a little weird but I’ve had a lot of time to think about where we are going, and what this existence of ours all means. Plus I’ve watched a lot of sci-fi flix and conspiracy theory documentaries. So let your freak flag fly and get ready for a […]

Virtual Reality, Insanity, Actuality

Virtual Reality, Insanity, Actuality

April 2, 2018

Last night I went to Ready Player One, that being said, let me explain a few things and come back to what I thought of the movie at the end of the blog. I’ve been waiting for this movie for a long time. After reading the book that Ernest Cline had created, I was lost […]

Who am I? Good Question.

Depends on what time of day you ask me, a father, a designer, a writer. I am a little bit of all of those, and more.

Doug profile-small-600px

Douglas is a Designer/writer/videographer. He is currently working on a number of projects. Some of which have been hinted at in his blog. He has worked everywhere from a global advertising juggernaut to a one person design boutique. He has worked in television, magazine publishing, user experience design, print, radio, outdoor…I could go on but this is an about me section, not my resumé. I write what I like, which is pretty much everything, and as I find time between writing blogs and finish off new projects, I will let you be the first to hear about them.

Douglas Reid Van Voorst

Zombie Square

Douglas is Blond Zombie. He has a thirst for knowledge and a cold beer, best served at the same time if you ask him. He’s got years of stories, rants and a boat load of trivial information that only the nerdiest, niche-iest (is that even a word?) and self deprecating reader could appreciate. Yet he powers on and throws his words into the cyber-void listening closely to hear them hit bottom.

Blond Zombie

Doug is a family man. He has a daughter, a wife and an interesting and diverse extended family whom he loves very much. His experience with loved ones has taught and shaped the person he is, for better or worse. From adoption to new beginnings, fatherhood to tough love, he has either done it or lived through it shaping and adding a pepper of personality to his writing.
